FraudMentr Glossary
District Attorney
A public official who is appointed or elected to represent the state in criminal judicial proceedings in a particular judicial district or county. A District Attorney is also known as a DA.
Related Terms
Assistant District Attorney
Will review and prosecute a case, meet with law enforcement, witnesses, and victims. Assistant District Attorney's are also referred to as ADAs.
Power of Attorney
A legal authorization for a designated person (an agent) to make decisions about another person's (a principal’s) property, finances, or medical care.…
Guardian or Conservator
Someone who has the legal authority to make decisions relevant to the personal and property interests of another person who is deemed…
Guardianship or Conservatorship
Authorizes a court to appoint a guardian to manage the personal or financial affairs of a person who cannot manage for himself…
Certified Fraud Examiner
A credentialed anti-fraud professional involved in discovering, investigating, and resolving fraud cases. A Certified Fraud Examiner can also be referred to as…
Department of Social Services
Provides guidance and technical assistance to agencies that provide direct services that address issues of poverty, family violence and exploitation. The Department…