CPA, CFE & The Founder of FraudFindr

Karen Webber

When I started working financial exploitation cases over a decade ago, I had to enter years of financial data into a spreadsheet just to normalize, sort, and analyze the information effectively. Even with my expertise, I knew there had to be a better way, but at the time, the existing solutions were full of errors and did not break out specific elements that are useful for analysis. In 2018, we started building a solution that could automatically parse out the data in a fast and accurate way; this was helpful for our team, but in order to make it useful for all financial exploitation investigators, we had to take things a step further. In 2019 we started building FraudFindr: The only forensic accounting tool that analyzes bank transactions and translates the findings into a clear, court-ready report, giving investigators the tools they need to solve more cases and get justice for victims.